Interactive Periodic Table


Course: SNC1D
Unit: Chemistry

Topic: The Periodic Table
Timeframe: 75 minutes

Students are introduced to major groups of elements in the periodic table.
Learning Goal(s)

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1) Describe the difference between groups and periods.
2) Describe the main characteristics of major groups of elements.

Identify relevant overall Learning Expectation(s) for this lesson:
C3. Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of common elements and simple compounds and general features of the organization of the periodic table.
Related Specific Expectations
C3.7 compare and contrast the physical properties of elements within a group (e.g., alkali metals) and between groups (e.g., the carbon group and noble gases) in the periodic table
·         Play the periodic table element song
·         Students will complete a lesson handout that corresponds to the Teacher’s PowerPoint on the periodic table
·         Students will go to to explore an  interactive periodic table
·         Elemental Bingo: students select 9 elements from the first 20 elements in the periodic table

  • Review the learning goals
  • Exit Card


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